The Fluke 700PCK makes it possible to calibrate your pressure modules at your facility using your own precision pressure standards.
Fluke-716, 717, and 718 Pressure Calibrators: The Fluke-700P00and P27 Pressure Modules will display pressure readings correctly on 716 Pressure Calibrators with firmware V1.2 or higher, or 717 and 718Pressure Calibrators with firmware V1.3 or higher. To view the software revision, power-on ...
Module can be calibrated locally using the Fluke 700PCK Pressure Calibration Kit, a PC, and a precision pressure source One year warranty 深入瞭解 下載產品手冊 Fluke 建議:Fluke 750P 系列壓力模組 產品概述 規格 機型 手冊+ 資源 產品概述: Fluke 700PV4 Vacuum Pressure Module ...
included: the kit consists of a power supply, an interface adapter, appropriate cables, and fluke 700pc pressure module calibration software. warranty: one year 型号名称 描述 700pck fluke 700pck 压力校准套件 联系方式 Lily销售经理 2402113291 13391370177 上海闸北区天目西路547号 期待你的来电搜...
Module can be calibrated locally using the Fluke 700PCK Pressure Calibration Kit, a PC, and a precision pressure source One year warranty Specifications Range -15/30 psi / -100/207 kPa Resolution 0.001 / 0.01 Reference Uncertainty (23 ± 3° C) 0.025% Total1 Uncertainty 1 year 0.050 High ...
Fluke Calibration 9102S Handheld Dry-Well Truly portable handheld dry-block temperature calibrators. They’re the smallest, lightest, and... $5,075.00 Fluke 725 Multifunction Process Calibrator Calibrate both temperature and pressure transmitters ...
700PMP Fluke-700PTP Fluke-700HTP Fluke-700PRV Fluke-700-IV Fluke-700TC1 Fluke-700TC2 Fluke-700PCK Fluke-700BCW Pressure Pump; 80T-IR Infrared Probe 100 psi/7 bar 80PK-IR Infrared Probe Pneumatic Test Fluke-700RTD SPRT Probe Pump; 360 psi/ BE9005 Battery Eliminator 25 bar BC7217 ...
手机号: 联系人:邓先生 公司名称:常州市诺丰电气自动化工程有限公司 立即询价 进入店铺 QQ联系 马可波罗网>仪器仪表>电工仪器仪表>万用表>供应福禄克FLUKE-179万用表 最近被加入的企业 名片夹还没有企业信息,赶紧查看企业联系方式加入吧! 价格:1元/个更多产品优惠价> ...
F743B|FLUKE手持式生产过程多功能校准仪询盘留言 品牌fluke 产品型号F743B 数量-+ 产品信息 联系方式 测量精度直流电压110.000 mV0.025%+0.015% *1.10000 V0.025%+0.005% *11.0000 V0.025%+0.005% *110.000 V0.05%+0.005% *300.00 V0.05%+0.005% *交流电压20 至 40 Hz2% + 1040 至 500 Hz0.5% + 5500 ...