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CAT IV 600 V、CAT III 1000 V 安全级别,三年保修,软便携包 福禄克FLUKE 376 FC无线钳形表规格对比 福禄克F376FC钳形表规格说明书 Fluke 37X FC交直流钳型表使用说明书 Fluke 370 FC...
La pinza amperimétrica de verdadero valor eficaz inalámbrica Fluke 376 FC de CA/CC ofrece mediciones de CA o CC de hasta 1000 V y 1000 A, e incluye una sonda de corriente flexible iFlex. Más información
福禄克 Fluke 3000 FC 系列无线万用表 快速参考指南 说明书 Default CAPTURE 3000 FC Wireless Multimeter See Users Manual for “Safety Information” and User information.Go to to register your product and find more information.Consulte las secciones “Información sobre seguridad” e ...
Fotric TK8 Entry-level Thermal Camera (Manual Focus) Fotric TK series Thermal Camera Fotric TK7 Thermal Camera (Fixed Focus) Fotric Fotric TA3 Plug-in Thermal Camera (Android Smartphone Compatible Only) R&D Thermal Imager Fotric 600 R&D Thermal Imager ...
Fluke 37X FC钳型表使用说明书 Fluke 374 FC真均方根交流/直流钳形表附件 标配:软便携包、TL75 测试导线、2 节 AA 碱性电池、塑封的使用说明卡、安全信息表 可选附件: TPAK 磁性挂带(376 FC 随附) ...
With its auto-ranging feature, this multimeter simplifies the testing process, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and reducing the number of disk rotations, which extends the instrument's lifespan. The digital display provides clear readings, making it easy to interpret results in real-time...
要找到最适合的设置,可使用场 菜单 Image (图像) Manual (手动)。 景中的边缘锐度。 设置焦点 按 :中间按钮用于自动对焦,向左或向右是设置焦点 远离或靠近测量对象。如果使用自动对焦功能,屏幕中央 将显示一个长方形。距离设置是采用长方形所含对象的距 离进行优化。 1-21 TiX620, TiX640, TiX660, ...
Fluke FEV100 Adapter Kit for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations VEHICLE SIMULATION CP Control Pilot state simulation tests different charging states GROUNDING PROTECTION PE Pre-Test for dangerous voltage GFCI TESTING Stay protected from and check risk of electric shock COMPATIBILITY Integrates into ...
Model 787 ProcessMeter Calibration Manual May 1998 Rev. 3, 7/17 © 1998-2017 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notification. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY This Fluke...