The student asked the suspect why he kept touching her, and he denied it and left the area. Police say the student told a library monitor what happened, and they told her to contact the WSU police department. A person who matched the suspect's description was...
A fluid is incompressible if the volume of any subregion of the fluid is constant over time. A fluid is homogeneous if its density,, is constant in space. The combination of incompressibility and homogeneity means that density is constant in both time and space. These assumptions are ...
using a pressurized coreholder makes it difficult to measure the deformation field during the test using direct methods such as optical imaging. Some of the tension-based failure tests are hard to conduct safely in the lab for highly brittle specimens or for specimens with an...
In order to obtain a better damage removing result, the bottom-hole temperature needs to be lowered to avoid excessive acid consumption at the near-wellbore area. Therefore, a series of simulations were conducted to optimize the injection fluid and injection rate to obtain the lowest bottom-hole...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Iodine dating of pore waters associated with gas hydrates in the Nankai area, Japan. Geology 31, 521-524 [11] Fehn, U., Snyder, G., Muramatsu, Y., 2007. Iodine as a tracer of organic material: 129I results from gas hydrate systems and fore arc fluids. J. Geochem. Explor. 95, ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
In subject area: Engineering In the context of fluid mechanics, multiphase flows can be taken as simply any fluid flow system consisting of two or more distinct phases flowing simultaneously in mixture, having some level of phase separation at a scale well above the molecular level. ...
The \({J}_{y}\) vortex counterflow current (light blue) is resolved in the chambers on a large artificial ringing background outside the strip edges. Extended Data Fig. 3 Current profiles in narrow Au and WTe2 strips. a, A uniform current density \({J}_{y}(x)\) in \(W=\) ...
3. The penalization of such area is expected though the form it is going to take depends on the quality of the mesh. The higher the number of cells the more accurate the profile of the optimum geometry becomes. However, the interest here is to find a logical pattern in the update of ...