The Middle Ear: Structures & Functions from Chapter 29 / Lesson 5 11K The middle ear converts sound waves into vibrations that make nerve signals for the brain. Explore the structures and functions of the middle ear, and learn about ears, eardrums, and the ossicle bones. Related...
The blood ring is internal and the lighter fluid ring in external, implying the presence of another substance (cerebrospinal fluid). Cerebrospinal fluid contains glucose, whereas nasal mucous or drainage does not. The location of a cerebrospinal fluid fistula is often suspected on a carefully...
Recent work has shown that meningeal lymphatic vessels (mLVs), mainly in the dorsal part of the skull, are involved in the clearance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but the precise route of CSF drainage is still unknown. Here we reveal the importance of mLVs in the basal part of the skull...
Hello where it is normal love to get yellowish discharge from the wound as it is nothing but the serum... Well it's absolutely ok to use the in ointment and you need not worry about the wound and it...Read More Person have yellow fluid in her ears is very frequent in eveni...
Less regularly, fractures of the temporal bone (middle ears or mastoid cells) are associated with dural disruption, which can also result in CSF leak through the ears (otorrhea). Rarely, injury and disruption to the orbit can result in CSF occulorrhea.[12] Iatrogenic CSF leaks occur most ...
Conclusions: Maxillary sinus lifting for dental implant placement may impair sinus drainage, especially at higher elevations, increasing the risk of mucosal damage due to intensified airflows in the reduced sinus volume. A more uniform, simplified intra-sinus structure may enhance fluid dynamics and ...
Water or fluid in the ears can be annoying, but you don't have to live with it. While fluid will usually drain out on its own, you can help the process along with a few simple tricks. Empty the fluids by using simple maneuvers that you can...
The brain is the central processing unit of the human body, it processes all the information it gets from the surroundings through its senses, making sense of them and giving orders accordingly.Answer and Explanation: The fluid filling the ear plays an important role in the transmission of ...
and closely associated with the dura. Less regularly, fractures of the temporal bone (middle ears or mastoid cells) are associated with dural disruption, which can also result in CSF leak through the ears (otorrhea). Rarely, injury and disruption to the orbit can result in CSF occulorrhea.[...