1.3BasicEquationsofFluidFlow Influiddynamicsfluidsareinmotion.Theyaremovedfromplacetoplacebymeansofmechanicaldevices,bygravityhead,orbypressure,andflowthroughsystemsofpipingand/orprocessequipment.1.3.2MassBalanceinaFlowingFluid;Continuity Theprinciplesofphysicsmostusefulintheapplicationsofthefluidmechanicsaremass-...
The mechanics of fluid flow is a fundamental engineering discipline explaining both natural phenomena and human-induced processes, and a thorough understanding of it is central to the operations of the oil and gas industry. This book, written by some of the world's best-known and respected petro...
fluid flow 流体流动 supercritical fluid [热力]超临界流体 fluid mechanics 流体力学,液体力学 body fluid 体液 cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液,脑脊髓液 cutting fluid 切削液;乳化切削油 working fluid 工作流体,工缀体;入井液,工族 fluid pressure 流体压力 fluid bed 流化床;怜床 fluid dynamic 流体动力学的 ...
2、ART 1: Transport Processes: Momentum and Heat transfer,PART 2: Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations),To accomplish this, the text is divided into two main parts.,Chapter 1 Fluid Flow,The behavior of fluids is the most important to process engineering, so , an understanding...
fluid mechanics n (General Physics) (functioning as singular) the study of the mechanical and flow properties of fluids, esp as they apply to practical engineering. Also called:hydraulicsSee alsohydrodynamics,hydrostatics,hydrokinetics Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition ...
Turbulence is an enigmatic state of fluid flow that may be simultaneously beneficial and problematic. It involves fluctuations that are unpredictable in detail, and it has not been conquered by deterministic or statistical analysis. This chapter presents basic features of turbulence beginning with ...
2.2.5 多相流(multi-phase flow) 习题 第3章 流体静力学(Fluid Statics) 3.1 静止流体中的压力(pressure in a static fluid) 3.1.1 压力和各向同性(pressure and its isotropy) 3.1.2 欧拉平衡方程式(Euler's equilibrium equation) 3.1.3 重力场中的压力分布(pressure distribution in the gravity field) ...
6_Unsteady Flow Over a Cylinder — Simulation Examp 7_Pitot Tube — Simulation Example 8_Subsonic Jet in Inviscid and Viscous Environment 9_Simple Approximations of Fluid Flows — Course Su 10_Flow Over an American Football — Homework相关...