只要液體有足夠的密度構成一個連續體,且不包含游離分子,且運動速度遠小於光速,它就能夠以牛頓流體與Navier - Stokes方程,這類由非線性的微分方程組來描述流體所受到的外界壓力與速度。而非簡化的方程式就沒有ㄧ套通用的解法(general closed-form solution),所以這類方程式只被應用在電腦運算流體(Computational Fluid ...
Fluid dynamics is the study of the motion of liquids, gases and plasmas. Flow is dependent on the intrinsic properties of the matter itself, such as compressibility, viscosity and density. Example systems are a liquid flowing through a pipe or capillary, air moving across an aeroplane wing, an...
(General Physics) (functioning as singular) the study of the mechanical and flow properties of fluids, esp as they apply to practical engineering. Also called:hydraulicsSee alsohydrodynamics,hydrostatics,hydrokinetics Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol...
Covers on aeromechanics, hydrodynamics, plasma dynamics, underground hydrodynamics, and biomechanics of continuous media. Highlights emerging trends at the forefront of science, such as multi-phase flows, chemically reactive flows, and liquid and gas flows in electromagnetic fields. ...
Fluid Dynamics and Beyond 作者:〔意〕绍罗·苏奇(Sauro Succi) 定价:69元 02 已出版(21种) 部分图书点击书封 即可购买 01 《流体力学 第5版》 Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition 作者:〔印度〕P. K. Kundu(P. K. 坤杜) 定价:179元 流体力学是研究流体在不同作用力下相互作用行为以及其在各个领域的应用,...
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were applied for evaluating the hydrodynamics characteristics in an uncovered unbaffled tank agitated by pitched blade turbines. A volume of fluid (VOF) method along with a Reynolds stress model (RSM) was used to capture the gas-liquid interface and ...
Fluid dynamicsis a branch of fluid mechanics that studies the movement of liquids and gases. The study of the movements of gases and their interactions with moving bodies is usually called aerodynamics, whereas the study of liquids is calledhydrodynamics. ...
The study of liquid flow is called hydrodynamics. Whileliquidsinclude all sorts of substances, such as oil and chemical solutions, by far the most common liquid is water, and most applications for hydrodynamics involve managing the flow of this liquid. That includes flood control, operation of ci...
Fluid Dynamics is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes theoretical, computational, and experimental research on aeromechanics, hydrodynamics, plasma dynamics, underground hydrodynamics, and biomechanics of continuous media. Special attention is given to new trends developing at the leading edge...
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of hydrodynamics in the riser of an external loop airlift reactor. Particuology 27, 95-101.JIANG X, YANG N, LI J. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of hydrodynamics in the riser of an external loop airlift reactor[J]. Particuology, (in press). doi...