in pressure-related flexible and fixed piping applications. Our adapters meet or exceed JIC, SAE and international specifications. We offer a large inventory of JIC, NPT, ORB, BSPP and metric adapters (in straight, bulkhead, swivel, tee, elbow, caps and plug) in sizes from 1/8” to 2”...
Measurement of pH must be done immediately after collection and cannot be done on EDTA samples. The reference range for synovial pH is 7.2 to 7.4. The pH decreases to values less than 6.9 within 12 to 24 hours after the initiation of joint sepsis in horses [43]. The usefulness of pH ...
The fluid may be transferred from the gutter 1 to the hose 6 via a compression elbow 4 and reducer 5 and into the tray 7 through a tap connector 8 on either side of the tray to permit collection from either connector 8 or to an additional draining hose. The fluid may be transferred ...
The objective of this study was to examine the applicability of the "Biochemical joint function test" described by Heilmann in the horse. This dilution method allows the determination of the total volume of synovial fluid and the collection of sufficient fluid for a complete examination. Samples ...
Córcoles et al., (2020) used CFD to simulate the heat transfer process in a tube with a curved elbow. Commercially available fruit juice was used as a non-Newtonian fluid in laminar regime. The numerical model was validated using water as the heat transfer fluid. The difference between outl...
It primarily affects small joints, such as the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints, but it can also affect large joints, such as the ankle, knee, elbow, and shoulder [2]. RA is characterized by synovial hyperplasia, which is the primary factor in the development of an ...
Participants were supine overnight before catheter placement and throughout the 24-h collection. There were no compromises to this positioning: they were not allowed to sit up even briefly, or even lean up on an elbow; they were limited to one pillow; rotation was allowed 'on axis' since ...
The device 102a utilizes a flexible, bellows-type tubing section 110a in place of the elbow connector 110 described above. A needle-free, leur lock hub 124a is mounted on the end of the tubing section 110a and functions as an injection port. It will be appreciated that the sponge 122 ...
The effect of elbow restraint on pressure transients, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 107, No. 3, pp. 402–406, 1985. Wiggert, D.C., Hatfield, F.J., Stuckenbruck, S. Analysis of liquid and structural transients by the method of characteristics ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering...
Participants were supine overnight before catheter placement and throughout the 24-h collection. There were no compromises to this positioning: they were not allowed to sit up even briefly, or even lean up on an elbow; they were limited to one pillow; rotation was allowed 'on axis' since ...