晶体液和胶体液在脓毒症和脓毒性休克液体复苏的使用存在争议,但更多的专家认为晶体液应当作为初始液体治疗首选 ;在维持治疗且排除临床禁忌的情况下可以选择人工胶体液 ;对于明确低蛋白血症的患者可以选择白蛋白。(2)在晶体液使用中,应当尽可能选择与细胞外液成分相近的液...
[61]Messina A , Pelaia C , Bruni A ,et al. Fluid challenge during anesthesia: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Anesth Analg, 2018,127(6):1353-1364. DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003834 . [62]McGee WT , Raghunathan K . Physiologic goal-directed therapy in the perioperative period:...
during the resuscitation phase of all critically ill patients to determine when to stop giving fluid and when to start de-escalation. Kidneys are among the most sensitive organs to changes in hemodynamic status during an episode of physiologic shock. Although decreased blood effective volume often le...
网络液体复苏;体液复苏;输液 网络释义
Effects of maximizing oxygen delivery on morbidity and mortality in high-risk surgical patients. Lobo 200037DO2GeneralPAC-8Morbidity Mortality (16 vs 50%) Randomized controlled trial to investigate influence of the fluid challenge on duration of hospital stay and perioperative morbidity in patients with...
Fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit: Choice of fluid, volume, and targetsHawley, JeffFagan, BarbaraCanadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing
Related to Fluid resuscitation:Fluid replacement re·sus·ci·tate (rĭ-sŭs′ĭ-tāt′) tr.v.re·sus·ci·tat·ed,re·sus·ci·tat·ing,re·sus·ci·tates 1.To restore consciousness or other signs of life to (one who appears dead):resuscitated the man after cardiac arrest. ...
Fluid resuscitation may be attempted with either colloid or crystalloid solution. The benefits of each type of fluid have been widely debated for many years and controversy continues as to whether crystalloid or colloids are preferred for intravascular volume replacement. However, both fluids are capabl...
Impact of 30 mL/kg fluid resuscitation completed within one hour on elderly septic shock patient Tijun Gu, YePing Min, Lingling Zhang, Fang Jin & Fujing Liu Article: 2445778 | Received 09 Jul 2024, Accepted 25 Nov 2024, Published online: 26 Dec 2024 Cite this article https://doi.org...
严重创伤患者液体复苏FluidResuscitationinTraumaticCriticallyIllPa Phase 1: pre-hospital /pre-operative fluid therapy Traumatic hypotension without a head injury: no evidence suggest that pre-hospital fluids are beneficial Delayed fluid resuscitation has better outcome than immediate resuscitation in penetrating...