摘要: Withhe introductionfheyvek?luidpplied Weatherarrierystem, DuPont nowffersOTHommercialuilding wrapndluidpplied weatherarrierystems,llackedy industry-leadinguildingcience.hey workogethero giverchitects, engineersndpecifiers wideangefptionsor protectingommercialtructures....
Location:Savannah, Georgia Architect:FreemanWhite, Inc. General Contractor:Rives E. Worrell, Division of JE Dunn DuPont™Tyvek®Certified Installer:Dan J. Sheehan Company DuPont products used on this project: DuPont™Tyvek®Fluid Applied Weather Barrier (WB) ...
Developed with silyl-terminated polyether (STPE) technology, Tyvek® Fluid Applied WB+™ delivers a durable weather barrier that’s tailored to meet the demands of heavy commercial construction projects.
PROSOCO’s R-Guard Cat 5 family of air and water barriers can eliminate many of these weather-related installation delays. That’s because the STP products in the R-Guard system (including Joint & Seam Filler,FastFlash, Cat 5 and AirDam) are immediately waterproof, can be applied to damp...
Asteady-state flowis even less time-dependent because all of the fluid properties (not just the flow properties) remain constant at every point within the fluid. So if you had a steady flow, but the properties of the fluid itself changed at some point (possibly because of a barrier causing...
Likewise, the near-equatorial jet in the stratosphere acts as a barrier, reducing pole-wards transport of volcanic aerosols. By comparison, in the troposphere where the equatorial jet does not reach, the volcanic aerosol is more evenly distributed rather than more concentrated in equatorial latitudes...
3 containing thermally insulated thermal storage heat conducting mass as an instant heat source and separated by heat source thermal barrier wall and air gap 40. As in FIG. 8 already described, the electric heating element 38 is in intimate contact with and wraps the thermally conductive, ...
3, the pressure vessel 12 preferably includes a liner 112 formed of a material appropriate for creating a barrier for containing a pressurized fluid to be contained in the vessel 12. Where the fluid is oxygen, a copper or copper-based alloy material is preferred. As used herein, the term ...
The fire is lit in a steel drum, while a barrier contains any overflow of flammable/polluting liquid. Extinguishant is applied in the direction of the arrow. Skids and towing attachments provide for mobility, and emergency extinguishers and fire suppression blankets are provided....
It appears that the transport barrier of the cuticles of the abaxial epidermises of the in vitro leaves was low, which suggests that the level of cuticular transpiration may be rather high. High RH was shown to directly (ABA-independently) affect leaf expansion [145] due to its effect on...