步骤一:下载Fluent Python第二版源代码 # 下载Fluent Python第二版源代码git clone 1. 2. 步骤二:提取文本内容 # 导入必要的库importosimportpdfkit# 进入源代码目录os.chdir('example-code/')# 使用pdfkit将源代码转换为PDF格式pdfkit.from_file('README.md','FluentPython2.pdf') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
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经验惯性:对于从其他语言迁移过来的读者,知道正则表示式的可能会尝试Python的正则表达式,但是对于不了解元祖拆包(tuple unpacking)和描述符(descriptors)的则可能就永远不会尝试(这些Python特有的功能); 但是,本书的目标就是强调Python的独特之处,一些核心的标准库。 一张纸打4页,打出来还是厚厚一沓 回到这本书,类似...
Fluent Python 原版pdf by Ramalho “Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language.” Those are the first words of the official Python Tutorial. That is true, but there is a catch: because the language is easy to learn and put to use, many practicing Python programmers leverage ...
Fluent.Python内含pdf和epub,英文文字版 上传者:u013080886时间:2016-01-20 Fluent Python(最新版 原版 高清 带书签) Fluent Python(最新版 原版 高清 带书签),Fluent Python(最新版 原版 高清 带书签) 上传者:dongfengxin时间:2018-06-20 ansys fluent 18 tutorial guide.pdf ...
Fluent Python Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming Free Chapter Luciano Ramalho SECOND EDITION Fluent Python Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming This excerpt contains Chapter 1. The complete book is available on the O'Reilly Online Learning Platform and through other retailers. Luciano ...
《Fluent Python》这本书是由Luciano Ramalho所著,旨在提升Python编程水平,达到一种流畅与高效的状态。书名中的“fluent”在英文中意为“流利”,在本书中则被赋予了“精通”的含义,意味着读者能够掌握Python的高级特性,提升编程效率和质量。这本1300多页的巨作,被喻为Python“进阶”的圣经,适合已经...
Luciano RamalhoFluent PythonCLEAR, CONCISE, AND EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMINGPROGRAMMING/PYTHONFluent PythonISBN: 978-1-491-9-46008" I am proud to have been a tech reviewer for this excellent book—not only will it help many intermediate Python programmers on their road towards mastery, but it has taught...
Luciano RamalhoFluent PythonCLEAR, CONCISE, AND EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMINGPROGRAMMING/PYTHONFluent PythonISBN: 978-1-491-9-46008" I am proud to have been a tech reviewer for this excellent book—not only will it help many intermediate Python programmers on their road towards mastery, but it has ...
Free for anyone to use any way they want: Reth is free open source software, built for the community, by the community. By licensing the software under the Apache/MIT license, we want developers to use it without being bound by business licenses, or having to think about the implications ...