求解答报错Press..请问有大佬知道fluent在initialize的时候报错Checking case topology... -This case has both inlets & outlets -Pre
The topic ‘Fluent Initialization: This case has both Inlet and Outlets. Pressure Information not available’ is closed to new replies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features and analyze site traffic, and we may share this data with our...
-Pressure information is not available at the boundaries.Case will be initialized with constant ...
Checking case topology... -This case has both inlets & outlets -Pressure information is not available at the boundaries. Case will be initialized with constant pressure 初始化遇到的问题,显示达不到收敛要求送TA礼物 1楼2018-10-10 15:47回复 ...
-Pressure information is not available at the boundaries.Case will be initialized with constant ...
方形口为入口,中间板开有小口,目的是冷却最下面一层板,只对方形口设置了压力入口条件 但是初始化时fluent提示说This case has both inlets & outlets -Pressure information is not available at the boundaries. 而且 计算一直有回流 不收敛 请问大神怎么解决? 送TA礼物 1楼2017-03-27 17:47回复 上海微流咨...
20、23:Fluent常见报错解答8 Q:运行flue nt出现如下信息System clock has been set back Feature:fluentLicense path: C:Fluent、InclicenselicenseFLEXlm error: -88,309For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at、A:license过期,把系统时间一点点往后调就OK问题24:Fluent常见报...
问题 23:Fluent 常见报错解答8Q:运行fluent出现如下信息System clock has been set backFeature:fluentLicense path: C:Fluent 、 Inclicenselicense 、 datFLEXlm error: -88,309For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End U 22、ser Manual, available at ""、A:license 过期 , 把系统时间一点点往后...
-Pressure information is not available at the boundaries. Case will be initialized with constant pressure iter scalar-0 1 1.000000e+00 2 3.204116e-03 3 6.282962e-04 4 2.183606e-04 5 6.469976e-05 6 2.289022e-05 7 7.921233e-06 8 2.911090e-06 ...
Interpolation schemes for calculating cell-face pressures when using the segregated solver in FLUENT are available as follows: Standard – The default scheme; reduced accuracy for flows exhibiting large surface-normal pressure gradients near boundaries (but should not be used when steep pressure changes...