Fluent meshing 打不开 Hush(∆) 从workbench里进的话就一直转圈,直接打开的话求解器能进去,但是点meshing的话就会闪退,重装了两次ansys,试过单独卸载安装fluent模块,网上见到的办法试过很多了都不行,救救孩子 usopp 1-15 31 rijke tube黎开管热声自激振荡 Comprecious79 请教一下各位,有没有大佬做过Rij...
fluent流体分析代做,可以教学,录屏;fluent答疑,可以远程,指导icem网格划分,andysmesh网格划分,fluent meshing网格划分,fluent流体仿真等,workbench流体仿真,各种网格划分,结构、非结构网格、混合划分,结构,流体分析等,仿真分析。 工程师小乐 1-26 0 fluent 6dof动网格在水表中旋转机构运用 扫烟囱的... 扫烟囱的....
--- Warning--- Free faces still exists in the model on ((diffuser chassis)) zones. If that is not expected, the surface meshing was not successful. Import the CAD outside the workflow and use Diagnostics to identify problematic faces Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256278-bn256069 (...
fluent流体分析代做,可以教学,录屏;fluent答疑,可以远程,指导icem网格划分,andysmesh网格划分,fluent meshing网格划分,fluent流体仿真等,workbench流体仿真,各种网格划分,结构、非结构网格、混合划分,结构,流体分析等,仿真分析。 竹岫Y 2-11 0 fluent6.3.26适用win10不 谁能请我... 谁能请我... 2-10 0...
我想打开一个.msh 文件,做了以下步骤:1.打开workbench 2.在toolbox 栏的Component Systems 下选择了Fluent(with fluent meshing) 3.左键双击了mesh选项,点击ok进入另一个窗口 4.选择File 的import选项,import 选择mesh 然后选择我要导入的.msh 格式文件。 但是确定后它弹出 error ,文件reading 错误。 +4 分享...
I have received this error multiple times during the described geometry workflow step in fluent meshing: Error: A cap could not be created using the specified zone/label. Ensure your zone/label encloses the whole opening. Error Object: #f ...
I think I found the solution. Playing around with the dynamics mesh parameters - especially minimum and maximum cell volumes - and using very small time steps (~0.005s) seems to elimate the problem. Peter November 6, 2005, 04:36 Re: Fluent UDF's / dynamic meshing errors ...
I am getting an error when trying to extract the fluid region of a solid assembly. It is specific to this geometry only, a simple tube I was able to extract the geometry. The error message is: Error: One or more zones (1152) are not part of a volumetric
usedinANSYSFluentMeshing. Tutorialsforrelease15.0areavailableontheANSYSCustomerPortal.Toaccesstutorialsand theirinputfilesontheANSYSCustomerPortal,goto. •FluentTextCommandListcontainsabriefdescriptionofeachofthecommandsinFluent’ssolution modetextinterface. ...