The rolled R is used in Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Arabic and (sometimes) Portuguese. It’s also part of Hindi and Tagalog. That rolled R not only sounds pretty nifty, but it can make a difference in meaning when you’re speaking one of those languages. For example, in Spanish...
381 Park Ave S, Room 1401, New York, NY 10016 About About Lee & Low BooksLee & Low Books is the largest multicultural children’s book publisher in the United States. We are your diversity source.About Us Who We Are The History of Lee & Low Why Do Diverse Books Matter?
Omnifluent™ TranslateAppTek’s Omnifluent suite of human language technology (HLT) products enables automated translation and transcription of multilingual audio and text, quickly rendering meaning across languages and cultures. Omnifluent Translate is a comprehensive multilingual translation platform that ...
It’s quite common to say tackar (thanks) or tack så mycket (thanks so much), the latter of which is just slightly more formal but still used in everyday situations. 30. Tagalog: Salamat For thank you very much instead, the expression is maraming salamat. If you’re talking to an...