在家能用,换地不能用 笔记本吧,有线和无线网卡,license 安装时用哪个就只能在哪个有效的情况下启动 license
ANSYS14.5中的Fluent打开时说无法找到许可文件,这是在重新装License之后还出现这样的问题,不知道该如何解决了, 问题如下: Cannot find license file. The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contact...
License path: D:\liuti(fluent)\gambit\Fluent.Inc\license\ntx86\.. - \license.datFLEXlm error: -1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,available at "http://www.macrovision.com".[]FATAL ERROR: Could not obtain ...
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR :Failover feature " ANSYS FLUENT Solver' specified in license preferences is not available.Request name acfd_ fluent_ solver does not exist in the licensing pool. ISystem clock has been set back.Feature: acfd_ fluent_ solverLicense path: 1 055@1 jc mk; FLEXnet ...
does not have any licenses for any product. Please make sure the license server has been started...
求助:fluent1..ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Failover feature 'ANSYS Academic Teaching CFD' specified in lice
20、censeFLEXlm error: -88,309For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at "".A: license过期,把系统时间一点点往后调就OK问题24: Fluent常见报错解答9Q:在linux ES3下安装了,启动后出现一下提示Copyright 2003 Fluent Inc.All Rights Reserved:Loading "/App/fluent/":Done...
fluent 安装出..安装了Exceed 13、GAMBIT 2.4和FLUENT6.3,两个license.dat也复制到了C盘的各自的盘下了,系统变量也更改了启动后出现下面提示,请问是哪里出错了。 请求帮助! 万分感
Connected License Server List: Hit return to exit. Unexpected license problem; exiting. 问题分析: 参考UP主:新昵称hhh___ 相似文章的评论区发言,总结问题如下: 就是早期破解的许可证有问题,所以才会一直报错。 解决办法: 对于刚接触ANSYS软件的小白来说,最简单的办法就是找一个新的破解文件替换一下就好了,以...