@文心快码exception of type 'ansys.fluent.cortex.cortexnotavailableexception' was thrown. 文心快码 确定异常类型及其含义 ansys.fluent.cortex.cortexnotavailableexception 是一个由 ANSYS Fluent 软件抛出的异常类型。这个异常通常表示 Cortex 功能在当前的 Fluent 环境中不可用。Cortex 是 ANSYS Fluent 的一个高级...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从错误提示“Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent Cortex.NotAvailableException' was thrown”来看,这个问题似乎与 Ansys Fluent 软件中可用的内核或资源有关。这个异常可能表明你的系统没有足够的可用内存、CPU 核心数量不足或者相关的软件许可问题等。以下是几种可能...
Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent. Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException' was thrown 只看楼主收藏回复 我有一壶酒(〃∇〃) 自带板凳 3 有人知道这是什么问题吗?突然出现的重装都没有用,太离谱了! 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2022-10-19 00:03回复 贴吧用户_QXtUQU6 1L喂熊 1 我也遇到了请问...
Error ANSYS Fluent “Exception of type ‘Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException’ was thrown” July 18, 2020 at 6:12 am ricardolion Subscriber Hi, I am quite new to ANSYS and currently trying to do the ventilation simulation on Fluent, the problem arose ...
Error: Exception of type ‘Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.Cortex not availableException’ was thrown For more information, please refer to Fluent User's Guide -40.1. Introduction to Parallel Processing (ansys.com) If you are not able to access the above link, please follow this forum discussion ...
After I finish each run, I save the workbench. Then I reopen fluent (setup or solution), it can display the mesh. But suddenly it will exit and give me this error: Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException' was thrown. ...
--- Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandFailedException: Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException' was thrown. CommandName: Fluent.Edit(Container="Setup") at Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.RethrowFail ureException(Exception e) at Ansys.Core.Commands.CommandAsyncResult.Wait(Int32...
Exceptions CloudException Thrown when the operation returned an invalid status code SerializationException Thrown when unable to deserialize the response ValidationException Thrown when a required parameter is null Applies to ProductVersions Azure SDK for .NET Legacy ...
SerializationException Thrown when unable to deserialize the response ValidationException Thrown when a required parameter is null Remarks Gets a list of maintenance configurations in the specified managed cluster. The operation returns properties of each ...
If not found an exception is thrown Non-String Assertions Any element has a location via getLocation(), which yields a Point Any element has a size via getSize(), which yields a Dimension Some elements have boolean from isDisplayed(), isEnabled() and isSelected() All of those have ...