我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据你提供的信息,似乎你在使用 Fluent 软件时遇到了问题。具体来说,Fluent 无法打开一个 msh (mesh) 文件。这可能有几个原因:1. 文件的路径或者名称错误:检查你所提供的路径(C:sers\Administrator\Desktop\ANIS EXAMPLES\ICEM (CFD\ZP20PelicanFiles)\NCA\...
你检查一下,是不是用二维的Fluent读取了一个三维的网格 注意导出网格的时候,网格是2D还是3D
Error: no cells in zone, id = 0, ind1 = 1, indn = 0Reading Cells: failed while reading section 12. Clearing partially read grid.Error: Read aborted due to critical error.Error Object: ()Error: Error reading "C:\Users\harry\Desktop\123.msh".Error Object: #f 展开 n6j2bl6v 采纳率...
Error Object: ()Error: Error reading "C:\Users\hp\Desktop\fluent\GAMBIT.4.23\GAMBIT.6868\...
error.Error Object: #f Error: Error reading "D:\fluent\3dchannel.msh".Error Object: #f ...
Done.> Reading "G:\gambitexample\111201.msh"...409083 nodes.40403 mixed wall faces, zone 8....
Then when I read the .msh file in Fluent I get the same error message stating that "ERROR! cannot change interior.3 to interior because there is only one adjacent cell thread" Can someone please advise the best way to do this? I must be doing something wrong but I don't know what!
我想打开一个.msh 文件,做了以下步骤:1.打开workbench 2.在toolbox 栏的Component Systems 下选择了Fluent(with fluent meshing) 3.左键双击了mesh选项,点击ok进入另一个窗口 4.选择File 的import选项,import 选择mesh 然后选择我要导入的.msh 格式文件。 但是确定后它弹出 error ,文件reading 错误。 +4 分享...
Error Object: #f 分享21 fluent吧 10939257 fluent保存cas后,再次读取就出错每次打开之前保存的cas文件,都会出现以下错误: Error: Set_Material_Property: wta(real) Error Object: -1.#qnan fluent版本6.3.26,系统是win10。请问如何解决这种问题? 而且只要是我这台电脑上保存的cas,别的电脑也会报错,但别的...
But when I opened parallel Fluent with 8, 6 or 4 processes (3D, Double-precision) and tried to read the .msh file they all crashed with the same error as logged above. Is there any way to get past this error and continue with the simulation. A very quick reply would be apprecia...