Ansys Fluent报错:an error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal file Fluent读取journal文件批处理时错误: 【解决】: 原以为是批处理并行计算case数量限制,检查发现是journal文件出错。修改后正常。
朋友们,这个问题有知..Warning:An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal file.Some commands may not have been completed.SCDM转fluent有了解的吗?
Error Object: ()5 多个进程运⾏时 license 出错 Warning: License server connection lost.Error: Connection to the license server has been lost.FLUENT will not continue until the license connection is restored.Error Object: #f #f Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal...
Error Object: () 5 多个进程运行时 license 出错 Warning: License server connection lost. Error: Connection to the license server has been lost. FLUENT will not continue until the license connection is restored. Error Object: #f #f Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journ...
Error Object: #f /solve/iterate 80000 Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the ...
亲亲您好,很高兴为您解答。亲亲您好fluent读取input+file文件显示error+reading:解决方法 双击无法打开cas或者路径出现乱码 路径出现中文,或者fluent没有添加到全局变量 重命名路径中所有中文名称;打开fluent之后读入文件即可。以上是我的全部回复,希望可以帮助到您,祝您生活愉快~亲亲您好,此时应重命名路径中...
Done. Note: Choosing I/O mode NODE0 as default automatically. Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal file. Some commands may not have been completed. > Halting due to end of file on input.
分享252 fluent吧 paiqngskzl 流固耦合温度导入到workbench我用fluent计算了三层固体壁传热至流体水,允许发生沸腾,计算后的温度在results中可以正常显示每部分体的温度,但是我在导入到statical structure中计算热应力和变形时发现体温度导入不到静力学结构分析模块,总是报错:An error occurred while transferring the load...
1. bugs/Error error 1.1. Process 1928: Received signal SIGSEGV. 1.2. Error: Couldn't intersect threads 6 and 5 (periodic faces). 1.3. Received signal SIGSEGV on Linux 1.3.1. Description 1.3.2. answer 1.3.3. How to specify the number of nodes?
Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal file. Some commands may not have been completed. How to correct this error message and get fluent working? What does .h5 mean? Appreciate every help Regards, cfd123_ February...