Educators can set reasonable goals for students usingresearch-based expected growth goals, taking into consideration students’ individual performance and grade level. First graders, for example, may set a goal of increasing their WCPM by two to three words in a given week. If students make many...
With the digital version of FLOW fluency, all of my students can work independently at their reading level and pace. One of my students who is significantly below grade level is participating along with everyone else. This student is fiercely independent and is so proud of themselves for doing...
pemThis study investigated two aspects of the level of second language development achieved by Grade 12 English Second Language (ESL) learners in South Africa. It was inspired by the general concern about standards in the matriculation examination and calls for the improvement of ESL teaching and ...
readingperday) WideReading lOriginallygrade2 lCanbeusedwith grades3and above(primarilyin smallgroups) lOriginallywholeclass lCanbeusedwithsmall groups Longer,challengingtexts (twentytofortyminutesof readingperday) Chapter3 FluencyDevelopmentand Whole-ClassInstruction ...
Aimweb progress monitoring data were considered to determine Addison’s correct word per minutes. According to the data, Addison’s word recognition skills significantly impacts her ability to read fluently, thus causing frustration. She is currently being progressed monitored at a third grade level,...
Reading Fluency Builder quickly develops your child's reading speed to meet grade level expectations. Reading fluency is a key prerequisite if your child is struggling with reading comprehension. Reading Fluency Builder provides a fun game-like environment that motivates even hesitant learners. ...
Poetry is a great way to practice fluent reading because you have to read a poem multiple times to “get it right.” And poems can be used at any grade level. For younger kids, work with simple poems and rhymes. For older children, use poems from Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky. Ha...
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether assisted repeated reading is an effective way for adult second language (L2) learners of English to develop oral and silent reading fluency rates. Reading fluency is an underdeveloped construct in second language studies, both in research and pra...
Reading Fluency Builder quickly develops your child's reading speed to meet grade level expectations. Reading fluency is a key prerequisite if your child is struggling with reading comprehension. Reading Fluency Builder provides a fun game-like environment that motivates even hesitant learners. ...
• Levels H-J are designed for third grade, with approximately 150-190 words.How to Use the Cards • Use the cards to provide leveled reading practice, particularly with students reading below grade level.• Use the cards to provide additional independent reading practice for all students....