The incubation period (the time from infection to symptoms) for flu is 1-4 days. COVID-19 has a longer incubation period of as few as 2 days to as many as 14 days. When flu symptoms begin, they are usually more sudden and severe than COVID-19. COVID-19 may start with milder ...
COVID-19 symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion orrunny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Seasonal flu symptoms The list offlu symptomsis very simila...
Generally speaking, cold symptoms are usually mild. Flu symptoms may become severe enough to lead to other health issues. Flu Symptoms vs. COVID-19 The flu and COVID are both upper respiratory infections, but they're not caused by the same type of germ. COVID is caused by a coronavirus ...
COVID-19 and the flu are both viral infections that spread similarly and share several symptoms, such as cough, fever, and sore throat. COVID is sometimes worse than the flu, as it spreads more easily and has caused higher rates of hospitalizations and deaths.1 It's not uncommon for one...
Many flu and cold symptoms are similar to symptoms of COVID-19. The flu, a cold, and COVID-19 may all present with afever, body aches, and a cough, among other symptoms. There are, however,a few key differences. For example, COVID-19 may cause a loss of taste or smell and shor...
This is educational information and is not meant to diagnose. Your symptoms may vary Expert tips & articles Flu vs. COVID-19: What you need to know Get the factsabout Flu vs. COVID-19 Lower COVID-19 severity with Paxlovid Read nowabout Paxlovid ...
Cases of influenza are being reported in parts of the U.S. as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. While a vaccine is not yet available for COVID-19, there is a vaccine available to prevent influenza. "This season is more important to get theflu vaccinebecause the flu also has symptoms tha...
Like the flu, COVID is also a contagious respiratory infection. But the coronavirus causes COVID, while the influenza virus causes the flu. COVID also spreads faster than the flu and remains contagious for longer periods. Both illnesses cause symptoms such as cough, tiredness, body aches, stu...
Flu vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines: What’s the difference? WhileCOVID-19 and seasonal flu have similar symptoms, they are not caused by the same virus. That means flu vaccines and the COVID-19 vaccines are designed to protect against the specific viruses that cause their respective illnesses...
How are COVID-19, allergies, cold, and flu caused? Symptoms of Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 can easily be confused with symptoms of the common cold or flu, or even allergies. Coronavirus disease orCOVID-19is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus calledSARS-CoV-2...