Many flu and cold symptoms are similar to symptoms of COVID-19. The flu, a cold, and COVID-19 may all present with afever, body aches, and a cough, among other symptoms. There are, however,a few key differences. For example, COVID-19 may cause a loss of taste or smell and shor...
Influenza (flu) is an upper respiratory infection. Learn about symptoms of the flu vs. cold vs. COVID-19, treatment options, and how the flu shot can provide protection from infection.
It's that time of year when respiratory viruses start to circulate widely, but how can you tell the difference between the symptoms of a cold, the flu and COVID?
Get ready for cold and flu season with simple tips on staying healthy, easing symptoms, and spotting the differences between a cold, the flu, RSV, and COVID.
covid/flu联合疫苗获批的概率是很高的。二者对应疾病人群一致,接种频率和间隔也类似。组合后的免疫干扰(减小)可能性也不大。但流感 mRNA 疫苗的效力应该不会像covid疫苗那么高。事实上,与现有流感苗类似就可以。毕竟mRNA疫苗适应病毒变异的能力更强。不清楚 辉瑞 为什么
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. There are four types: A, B, C, and D. Only influenza A, B, and C affect humans. Flu can be mistaken for viral respiratory illnesses like the common cold and COVID because they cause similar symptoms. See a doctor ...
COVID检测很简单,可以在药店或药店购买测试盒,也可以从state’s home testing program订购免费试剂盒。 而Flu或其他感冒病毒,目前还没有家庭检测方法,但大多数医院和诊所都可以使用快速检测和更灵敏的检测,后者可以检测几种不同的病毒,...
最近,很多人都病了,有些人是发烧、咳嗽、头很疼、肚子很不舒服,还便秘……是不是都以为是呼吸道疾病,比如COVID、 Flu、RSV,或者是三者皆有? 都想岔了,其实,这些症状都是“蛇缠腰”下的手! 你没听错,最近这一段时间,俗称...
Flu vs. Cold Flu vs. Food Poisoning Causes Influenza A vs. Influenza B Transmission Symptoms Diagnosis Treatments Medications Flu Shot Prognosis Complications Prevention Flu & COVID What is flu (influenza)? Picture of the influenza virus Influenza, commonly called "the flu," ...
If you are wondering whether that runny nose, sore throat or sneeze could be allergies, just a cold, or possibly even COVID, you are not alone.