Branswell, Helen
The U.S. and other countries' populations need to be better educated about vaccines; at least they should realize that safe vaccines have been around for many years (measles, mumps, chickenpox, and even a vaccine for cholera), and as adults they often have to get a vaccine-like shot to...
The 2024-2025 flu vaccine is based on the types of influenza viruses that scientists expect to be the most common this year. There are different types of flu vaccines, but the CDC recommends you get any age-appropriate flu vaccine during this flu season. ...
In Ontario, flu vaccines are prioritized when they first become available for certain individuals based on their risk for severe complications and spreading the infection to others. Individuals 6 months of age and older can get the flu vaccine at the same time as, or at any time before or af...
Other vaccines Manage appointment COVID-19 vaccine information Flu & COVID-19 testing Flu protection for your whole family The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get the flu shot; Walgreens can vaccinate everyone 3 years and older ...
Panel members said seniors should get regular flu shots if the newer ones aren't available. Also on Wednesday, CDC officials reported the flu vaccine didn't work all that well this past winter, when most illness were caused by a flu strain that vaccines traditionally do a relatively poor job...
Other vaccines Manage appointment COVID-19 vaccine information Flu & COVID-19 testing Flu protection for your whole family The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get the flu shot; Walgreens can vaccinate everyone 3 years and older ...
Is There a Vaccine for Pneumonia? There are four different vaccines that protect against pneumonia - PCV13, PCV15, PCV20, and PPSV23. Dose and dose timing is dependent on factors such as age and medical condition. The CDC recommends that all children ages 2 and younger get the PCV13 ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — If you missed the early fall push for flu and COVID-19 vaccines, it's not too late.
Here are some warning signs to pay attention to with the flu, especially for vulnerable populations such as children, seniors and adults with chronic conditions. Does the flu vaccine affect my chances of getting COVID-19? The flu vaccine protects you from seasonal influenza, not the coronavirus...