The flu vaccine is usually given as 1 dose per flu season starting in October of each year. Children under 9 years of age who have never had a seasonal influenza vaccine need 2 doses. The second dose of vaccine is important to raise their level of protection and should be given 4 weeks...
Fluzone® QuadrivalentInfluenza Vaccine Please read this information sheet before getting Fluzone Quadrivalent. This summary is not intended to take the place of talking with your healthcare provider. If you have questions or would like more information, please talk with your healthcare provider....
Patient Information Sheet Fluzone® High-Dose Influenza Vaccine Please read this information sheet before getting Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. This summary is not intended to take the place of talking with your healthcare provider. If you have questions or would like more information, please talk...
Time series of log transformed absolute WIS for state and territory targets. Note that the forecast evaluation period translates to 1-week ahead forecast target end dates from February 26–June 25, 2022 (a), and October 22, 2022, to May 20, 2023 (b), and 4-week ahead forecast target en...