It references a study by Gwen Borlaug et al published in the 2007 issue of "Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology." The study found that declination forms were significant in getting more people ...
Each staff member was approached by the champion, Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Manager to assure they either received the vaccine or actively declined it, giving their reasons for declination. This assured that no staff member "fell through the cracks" and was missed by passive non ...
In addition, HCWs working in higher risk hospital environments (e.g. oncology) were asked to inform their manager about their declination decision. The policy aimed to provide greater insight into reasons for vaccination decline and information from HCWs in higher risk areas was intended for use ...
The controversy involving the H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine is discussed as well as the option of "informed declination." Reactions to the recommendation of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that surgical face masks be used instead of N95 respirators are ...
Allergy as a reason for declination increased despite clarification of 2011-2012 vaccine recommendations for persons reporting egg allergy. Similar increases were seen in all other categories trending up with the exception of pregnancy. Table Vaccination Rate and Reasons for Decllnation, 2009-2011 Year...