Learn about influenza (flu) symptoms, treatment with antiviral drugs, flu shot side effects, and prevention during flu season. Discover when to get the flu vaccine, how long the flu lasts, the contagious period, flu types, and how it spreads.
It's important to know that each year the flu vaccine is never 100% effective in preventing flu. Vaccine effectiveness varies from year to year, based on the match of the circulating flu types to the strains contained in the vaccine. Results from the 2023-2024 U.S. flu season show that ...
Health Officials Mix Flu Vaccine to Fight Fall StrainsMELISSA BLOCK
Mar 2, 2023 CDC: Flu vaccine provided "substantial protection" across all age groups The vaccine proved more effective than in previous seasons at preventing hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Feb 23, 2023 Flu shots are a "very good match" to this season's strains, CDC says ...
Influenza strains are constantly changing due to genetic mutation, with the pace of genetic changemuch higherthan for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID). The strains that go into the vaccine arereviewedtwice each year by the World Health Organization (WHO), which selectsvaccine strainsto...
Order 2024-25 doses today Recommended as an option by the ACIP and AAP13,14 *There are no head-to-head clinical studies comparing LAIV4 and IIV. Results are descriptive only. †LAIV4 and IIV vaccine effectiveness (VE) data overlapped for all strains, demonstrating the general VE comparabil...
In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the flu vaccine for everyone over six months old. This year, followingthe spread of the “bird flu” H5N1 in cattle, the CDC is especially urging dairy farm workers to get vaccinated.At the end of July, the organization ...
The flu vaccine is reformulated every year as the strains of the virus change. Since being diagnosed with breast cancer, my body hasn’t been able to fight off infections as well as it used to in the past. I find that even a cold can last for weeks in my body, so as soon as ...
15, 2023, at 2:58 p.m. Save More US NIH Begins Human Trials of 'Universal' Flu Vaccine More (Reuters) - The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) said on Friday that it has begun an early-stage study on its experimental vaccine targeting six strains of influenza virus. The ...
Walensky said that even when the vaccine doesn’t closely match the circulating flu strains, “We see a 35% decrease in rates of hospitalization … which really just emphasizes, when we do have a good match, how much more effective it will be.” CDC data shows that nearly 20,000 people...