23 states with high or very high for respiratory illness activity levels: CDC The CDC says flu activity is elevated nationwide as this is now classified as a high severity flu season. February 23, 2025 at 11:50 PM Deaths from the flu surpasses COVID deaths for the 1st time since the pan...
NYC's 1920s 'Sleeping Sickness' Immediately After the Spanish Flu Ended The Spanish Flu and US Troops The Best Disease Breakout Movies Daily Life for a Person with the Black Death The Most Brutal Symptoms of the Bubonic Plague Epidemics and Social Unrest ...
NYC's 1920s 'Sleeping Sickness' Pandemics That Shaped the Modern World Epidemics That Threatened Human Life The Most Brutal Symptoms of the Bubonic Plague Scariest Viruses on Earth Today Movies That Show What Pandemics Are Really Like The Durations of Historical Outbreaks ...
By late October and into early November 1918, Henry was suffering his own battle with the disease, and described how quicklythe symptoms set in: John Mininger cut down a bee tree in his woods. I went along to hive the bees... At noon I started home in good health. Halfway home while...