For most people, the flu is a short-term illness that runs its course in 5 to 7 days. If you've had a flu shot, you may start feeling better even sooner. But everyone is different. It may take you longer to feel back to your usual self. And some symptoms, such as fatigue, may...
The nasal-spray vaccine contains weakened viruses and will not cause severe symptoms often associated with influenza illness. In children, side effects can include runny nose, headache, vomiting, muscle aches, and fever. In adults, side effects can include runny nose, headache, sore throat, and ...
Both adults and kids get rotavirus, but kids are more likely to have serious symptoms, such as severe dehydration. You can get it at any time, but it has a seasonal peak in the U.S. from January through June. Kids are most likely to get it then, and they can spread it fast to ...
Flu vaccines do not protect against infection and illness caused by other viruses that can also cause flu-like symptoms. Non-flu viruses that can result in flu-like illness and spread during the flu season include rhinovirus (one cause of the common cold) and respiratory syncytial virus (RS...
Older adults Pregnant people Children under two People withchronic lung disease Immunocompromised, such as withhuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes the differences in symptoms of colds versus flu as follows:1 ...
Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. picture source: bigstock Some people, especially young children and people with weakened immune systems, might be...
CTo relieve(缓解) symptoms(症状) of the flu(流感)Sneezing(打喷嚏)CoughFeverAdults(成年人)and children over 11:★Take three pills(药丸) every 4-7 hours.★Don't take more than 17 pills in 24 hours.Children over 7 and under 11:Instructions(用法说明)★Take two pills every 4-7 hours.★...
It can be tough to tell if your symptoms are from the flu, a cold, or another type of infection (hello, COVID). Though there’s definitely overlap in terms of virus symptoms, the flu does have some telltale signs that distinguish it from a cold, especially when it’s severe, like ...
illness by between 40% and 60% during seasons when the flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine. But if you are infected with the virus, the vaccine reduces your chances of getting the flu and passing it on to others, and lessens the severity of symptoms, hospitalizations and ...
Cases of influenza are being reported in parts of the U.S. as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. While a vaccine is not yet available for COVID-19, there is a vaccine available to prevent influenza. "This season is more important to get theflu vaccinebecause the flu also has symptoms tha...