How do you know if you have the flu? Are some of your symptoms leading you to believe that you have the flu? Influenza, more commonly referred to as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness cause by influenza viruses (and yes there are more than one strains of this illness). Common...
Breaking Vaccines - COVID (mRNA) Shots The approval of self-replicating mRNA vaccines: a dangerous precedent for health freedom 1 hour ago The Crazz Files Editor's Picks News-Oz Proof puberty blockers are pure evil 1 day ago The Cra...
Across the board, experts are urging people to get flu shots. Rates of other vaccinations have dropped dramatically during the pandemic, as families are hesitant to visit hospitals and clinics where they fear COVID-19 may be lurking. Butmedical expertssay getting aflu shotis safe as long as ...
As birds don’t take antibiotics, get flu shots or other medical cocktails, the viruses they carry don’t need to change. The H5N1 avian flu virus is known to have been around since the late 1950’s. For all we know, it’s been infecting people for hundreds – if not thousands – ...
1994). The second method has been tested but it was not applied in the final flow due to significantly increased computational times (16 h for 5000 shots, while the survey consists of more than 170 000 shots). The presence of remnant multiple can lower the accuracy of the time and depth...