According to the CDC, mild side effects from the flu shot include soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site; low-grade fever; and aches. Only about 1% to 2% of people who get a flu shot will have fever as a side effect, Schaffner said. These mild effects should go away with...
The flu vaccine may cause mild side effects, but they usually just last a couple of days. These don't mean that you have the flu.
Getting a flu shot can help flatten the curve of both flu and COVID-19 hospitalizations. Is It Safe to Have a COVID-19 Vaccine if You Already Had a Flu Shot? It will probably be safe, but they may need to be separated so that there is no interference with each vaccine's ...
There are actually two kinds of vaccines: One is given as a shot (an injection) and one is given as a nasal spray. The shot contains deadinfluenzaviruses -- up to four different strains. The nasal spray is made with live viruses that have been weakened. Neither vaccine causes flu illness...
Flu shot side effects are rare and the vaccine definitely helps prevent large numbers of cases each year. What if I’m planning to get a COVID-19 vaccine? That’s a good idea. Remember, COVID-19 and the flu are different viruses and require different vaccines for protection. ...
Hendrickson admitted some responsibility for taking the high-dose vaccine. She received paperwork at her Fairview clinic in New Brighton about Fluzone, but didn't read it before receiving the shot. She believes a discussion should have taken place. ...
The influenza shot can cause mild side effects in children and toddlers, but they shouldn't deter your family from getting vaccinated. Here's what experts have to say.
Like all medications, vaccines can have side effects. But the risk of harm or death from the influenza vaccine is rare. The flu shot and nasal spray can cause different types of side effects. Flu shot side effects may include: Low fever Muscle aches Soreness, redness, or swelling where the...
flu vaccine: Whether the shot uses three components or four, the typicalside effectsshould be the same, Chin-Hong, the UCSF doctor, said. Those include redness or swelling at the injection site, muscle ache, mild fever, headache and nausea, all of which should clear up after a...
Cold and Flu: The Truth About Hand Sanitizer Hand sanitizers are a convenient way to kill germs. But do they really work? Here's what we found. Flu Shots: 10 Facts About Flu Shots What are the side effects of a flu shot? Who should get vaccinated? Learn the benefits and risks of ...