Sheffield S11 8 HB U.K. Materials Required Panels See FLTM BI 103-02 for panel preparation. Adhesion Tape No. 898 (Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing Co. - 3M) 25 mm wide. -or- An Equivalent tape can be used if agreed upon by Materials Engineering as long as the Adhesion Strength is...
FLTMbi106-01(油漆附着力)新 FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BI 106-01 PAINT ADHESION TEST Application This method is used to measure the relative adhesion of paint to steel, aluminum, galvanized steel, plastic, or other substrates. Apparatus Required Knife A pocket knife of good quality is required...
FLTM bi106-01(油漆附着力)新 FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BI 106-01 PAINT ADHESION TEST Application This method is used to measure the relative adhesion of paint to steel, aluminum, galvanized steel, plastic, or other substrates.Apparatus Required Knife A pocket knife of good quality is required ...
FLTM BI 106-01-2010 热度: FLTM BI 113-06_2002 热度: FLTM BI 104-01-2003 热度: FORDLABORATORYTESTMETHODBI106-01 DateActionRevisions 20020715RevisedRevAdhesionTapeparaL.Graham 20010314RevisedEditorial–notechnicalchangeA.Cockman 19920128 PrintedcopiesareuncontrolledPage1of7 ...
登录 注册 待分类 > 待分类 > FLTMBI106-01-2010英文涂层附着力试验 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 191阅读文档大小:1.06M8页parallel67上传于2015-03-17格式:DOC
fltm bi106-01(油漆附着力)新.pdf,FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BI 106-01 PAINT ADHESION TEST Application This method is used to measure the relative adhesion of paint to steel, aluminum, galvanized steel, plastic, or other substrates. Apparatus Required Kni
标准号:FLTM BI 106-01:2017 检测标准/方法:涂层附着力试验 FLTM BI 106-01:2017 检测对象:漆与有关的表面涂料 检测项目/参数:漆膜附着力试验 说明(限制范围):只做:方法B 相关标准 《GB/T 10125-2012》人造气氛腐蚀试验 盐雾试验 GB/T 10125-2012 5.2 ...
(美国)福特汽车标准,关于fltm bz106-01的标准FORD FLTM BZ 105-01-2001 分子筛干燥剂的筛析.替代FLTM BZ 005-01[替代:FORD FLTM BZ 005-01] FORD FLTM BZ 150-01-2001 层压玻璃挡风玻璃的边缘区域中的内部压应力的测定.替代FLTM EU-BZ 050-01[替代:FORD FLTM EU-BZ 050-01,FORD FLTM EU-BZ 050-...
See FLTM BI 106-1 Settings – Method A, fixed jet: Jet positionPerpendicular to specimen Water temperature70 °C +/- 2 °C Distance of nozzle to specimen50mm +/-3mm Water pressure3000 +/-50 kPa Testing time60 +/- 3 seconds Water flow rate420 litres/hour minimum ...
国际标准分类中,fltm bi 104-02涉及到。 在中国标准分类中,fltm bi 104-02涉及到。 (美国)福特汽车标准,关于fltm bi 104-02的标准 本站其他标准专题:fltm bi 104-02,fltm bi 168,fltm bi 117,FLTM BI 109,fltm+bi+123,fltm bi+123,fltm+bi+161,fltm+bi+168,fltm bi 168-01,,ford+fltm+bi+123,...