I closd my eyes for a long time to pretend. I told him I pretned a fowntan pen with ink leeking all over a table cloth. Then be got up and went out. I dont think I passd the raw shok test. progris report 3—martch 7 Dr Strauss and Dr Nemur say it dont matter about the...
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I thot that was all but when I got up to go he stopped me. He said now sit down Charlie we are not thru yet. Then I dont remember so good but he wantid me to say what was in the ink. I dint see nuthing in the ink but he said there was picturs there other pepul saw som...
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. I love this quote because it speaks to me about the optimism gardeners feel each and every time we plant. I can honestly say that thanks to my poppy and larkspur seeds I am as excited about next year’s garden as any garden I have ever had. Nothing picks up my spirits more than ...
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Any time I had no choice but to bring it up, because Ania would never apologize, for anything, she would always say: “She never said that.” Matter of factly, as though I had not been there and heard the therapist, watched the therapist, saying it, myself. ...
look forward to say we're getting will get back to normal growth rates [inaudible]. This is the size of our customer file, which again has doubled over the last couple of years. As we've doubled the size of our business over the last three years or so, the brands the platform we...
59. “Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.”– George Burns 60. “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.”– Elizabeth Evans 61. “Love means having to say you’re sorry every fifteen minutes.”...
I almost feel guilty writing this, because I’m sure so many women out there have given up their meds for pregnancy and had extreme difficulty—and maybe even had to get back on some of them to stay stable for everyone’s sake. To these women, I say: Bravo. You are incredibly brave...