Native to South Africa, this fragrant perennial is renowned for its petite yet intensely fragrant blooms that release a sweet scent in the evening, attracting nocturnal pollinators like moths. The small, star-shaped flowers, typically white or shades of pink, open as dusk falls, creating a capt...
From the first snowdrops and daffodils to primroses and hellebores, spring flowers are used by gardeners as a 'spring marker' to count down the days until temperatures increase again and we can spend more time in our gardens. Spring flowers are important for pollinators, too. Many pollinator...
Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens, but also planted flowers in our 7 . Her warm smiles, hugs and kisses 8 us up. It’s no secret that her love helps us grow up happily and 9 . Take the time to plant flowers yourself today. Show your smiles, kindness and love to ma...
One note for dedicated gardenners who may be appalled at the idea of actually inviting caterpillars in for lunch... Very few butterfly species ever cause harm to your garden plants!
In the past, people didn’t know how to plant them. So all flowers were wild flowers(野花). When people learned how to plant seeds, they started to grow the flowers in gardens. So we can see all kinds of flowers in gardens today.【1】Most flowers ___ beautiful. ( )A.smell B.loo...
Bachelor’s Button, also known as Cornflower, is ahardy annual flowering plantbelonging to theAsteraceae (Daisy) familythat makes an excellent, easy-to-grow choice for borders, cottage gardens, and meadow plantings. Although native toEurope, it can be found across most ofNorth America. ...
Is your garden full of sandy soil? It can be tricky to find plants that will grow well in looser, sandy soil. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago lists 35 flowers that will beautify your sandy gardens this season! Written byJill DragoLast updated: August 14, 2023|18 min read ...
Autumn-blooming stonecrop stands out from your typical fall fare because of its thick, succulent leaves and dense clusters of star-shaped flowers that intensify in color as they mature, going from light pink to deep red. As a bonus, the dried flowerheads of stonecrop remain attractive through...
Directory of perennial plants and flowers that you can grow in partial or lightly shaded areas of the garden, with light and watering requirements, usda zones and growing tips
(6)___ meandmybrotherouttopickflowersandwouldthenturnthemintodeliciouswine.Grandmanotonlyplantedflowersinthegardensbutalsoplantedflowersinour(7)___.Herdeliciousdinnersmadewithloveencouragedus.Hersweetsmilealwaysmadeus(8)___,Herhugs (拥抱) andkisseswerethesunshinethatkeptourownlove(9)___dayafterday.Tak...