FLOWERING treesSINGLE nucleotide polymorphismsSEED dormancyPRINCIPAL components analysisStewartia ovata (cav.) Weatherby, commonly known as mountain stewartia, is an understory tree native to the southeastern United States (U.S.). This relatively rare species occurs in isolated populations in...
2010); however, this study detected this effect within a large number of fall-flowering species rather than in, for example, trends of leaf senescence of deciduous trees (Gill et al. 2015). Von Holle et al. (2010) also found delays in flowering times of 70 plant species in Florida, ...
English ivy (Hedera helix) is a rapidly growing vine that often becomes the bane of those that adore it. Able to reach lengths of 50 feet or more, English ivy prefers full to light shade and is considered invasive in areas where it hasescapedits intended space. Annual spring pruning is a...
in central Mississippi was investigated by forcing flower-bud-bearing branches collected in November, December, January, and February. Rapidity of flowering response increased from November to February. With the exception of material forced in January, leaving branches on trees for 30 days overcame ...