Named after the indigenous people who cultivated them, these trees grow well in the Mid-Atlantic, South, and southern parts of the Midwest. Although the Chickasaw plum is considered a tree, it sometimes grows as a large, scraggly shrub. The trees produce clusters of white flowers in the ...
When plants are mentioned, most people visualize one of the large dominant plants of their region—perhaps a cactus for desert dwellers, or a vista of waving grasses in the prairie, or tall sycamores along a river in the Midwest. All of these plants are angiosperms or flowering plants. ...
Based on the set phenological network, the direct observations were summarized in 2022 for short trees (4608), shrubs (81,184), and climbers (5068). After data homogenization and time series analysis, climatic parameters were used to quantify direct and indirect drivers of phenological changes. ...