These plantsmust experience cold temperatures(below 40 degrees) for about three months. If you don’t experience these cool temperatures, you must chill your bulbs. I am looking at you, zones 8-10! Those that are not chilled will grow but not bloom as you expect. The flowers may be defo...
season is late winter or early spring, when the leaves are not yet on trees, and other plants have not yet begun to grow and compete for sunlight. Also, they grow well in partial sunlight. That’s why homeowners often plant them right under shade trees that have not yet sprouted leaves...
The dominance order is Lf'> Lf> If> If", with ability to delay flowering descending in that order. Homozygous If" plants can flower as early as node 5 or 6 but generalised statements regarding the flowering node for these alleles are avoided since the position depends on the status of ...
Dof proteins are a group of plant-specific TFs that are involved in diverse plant-specific biological processes [16]. In addition, recent research on Dofs is mainly in annual plants, and is limited in perennials. Therefore, researching the roles of Dofs in moso bamboo is necessary. In this ...