Most bushes and shrubs require partial to full sunlight. So, you’ll have the greatest opportunity for shrub choices if you plan on planting them in a well-lit area. Finally, when comparing the heights of these plants, keep in mind that you can keep them pruned to the size you desire. ...
The biggest downside to auto-flowering plants is if you run into problems early on, plants may stay stunted and small. That can dramatically reduce yields since a small plant can’t support a lot of buds. Here’s an example of an auto-flowering plant that was overwatered as a seedling ...
Korean spice features pink buds that open in a bunch of white flowers. This bush is popular for its sweet and spicy fragrance. If you want pure white flowers, then go with doublefile viburnum (Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’). Growing Tips: These bushes can thrive in both ...
Then be sure to stay on top of regular shrub care. Proper Pruning Techniques Pruning shrubs is not like taking a hedge trimmer to the bushes in the front yard. Dealing with a densely branched plant can be intimidating, but if you take your time and use the proper tools and cuts, you’...
size shrubs when the homeowner doesn’t have the time to be constantly pruning them to a suitable size. Thankfully, plant breeders are coming to the rescue by selecting and developing many new varieties of dwarf flowering shrubs for small gardens that stay naturally petite without a lot of ...
For some height, consider growing tree roses, which bring small bushes right up to eye level, and make great accents and frame a doorway beautifully. Spirea These tough plants are ideal for low-maintenance gardening and they thrive in the coldest areas. Always colorful, the Goldmound Spirea ...