She came up to me and hung the flower over my ear and I found myself holding my breath till I no longer felt her touch. Se acercó, me puso la flor en la oreja y tuve que contener el aliento hasta que dejé de sentir su contacto. Literature It was a grey day, but the ...
A week to 10 days before planting, add 2 to 4 inches of aged manure or compost and work into the planting site to improve fertility and increase water retention and drainage. If soil composition is weak, a layer of topsoil should be considered as well. No matter if your soil is sand ...
Review last week’s lesson by having each child choose a question flower. Haga un repaso de lo que aprendieron la semana anterior pidiendo a cada niño que escoja una de las flores. LDS And some of the flowers, with the same dark guide lines, hid a cup of water in which to ...
Every week, the plantlets were feed with Scotts Peters Plant Starter (The Netherlands) (0.25 g·L−1). 2.6. Statistical Analysis For the rooting experiment, 25–30 shoots (5 shoots × 5 or 6 glass jars) were used in each treatment. The experiments were carried out twice. The final ...
prevent dehydration. Acclimatization took place in a growth room (25 ± 2 °C; PPFD—50 µmol m−2s−1). The plantlets were gradually acclimated by opening the cover over 30 days. Every week, the plantlets were feed with Scotts Peters Plant Starter (The Netherlands) (0.25 g·L−...