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Flower n petals provides special Flower Bouquet, Real Flower Garland, Floral jewellery , phooloon ki chadar for bride entry, fresh fruits basket, Cake,
A dried wedding bouquet is a beautiful piece of décor—but you can salvage a few sprigs here and there for another craft, as well. Dried petals are a colorful and meaningful addition to simple white tapers, which you can burn during romantic dinners at home. You'll need a set of plai...
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Freedom Red fresh-cut Roses. Perfect for DIY wedding or event! Shop from over 50+ flowers, or explore our DIY resources & order online today!
As mentioned above, hair flowers are essential. Braided crowns provide the perfect canvas for strategically placed petals or delicate tiaras. The hairstyle stands on its own, so there’s no need to go overboard with accessories. Just like some of the other options, the braided crown pairs well...
delivered fresh bulk lily of the valley flowers are beautiful bell-shaped flowers with a sweet scent. its small white blooms are extremely fragile and delicately rest upon broad basal leaves. a very popular wedding flower, the white lily of the valley would add an elegant touch to any table ...
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