Center anchors can be anything from a tree, shrub or large perennial to a piece of statuary or a large container, even a bench or trellis/arbor can work as a center anchor. Island beds tend to be more round, square, rectangular or amorphous. They are rarely long...
Find some tree and shrub ideas HERE. Perennials After the shrubs come the perennials. These are plants which come come back year after year, but often go dormant during the winter and don’t have a branch structure like bushes and trees. However, they do come in many shapes, sizes, textu...
During your daily enjoyment of the garden, take mental notes of any work that needs to be done: flower heads to pick, new seasonal weeds to address, or shrub branches that needpruning. There is no reason to do any actual work at this time unless you want to, that is. Plenty of peopl...
And we were finally DONE trying to battle the weeds and scraggly bushes. Completely over it. I am AMAZED at how this DIY flower bed makeover turned out, but before I show the pretty “after”, there were lots of tricks and helpful tools we used along the way to make the job way eas...
Kerria:This flowering shrub grows 5 to 7 feet high and produces colorful yellow flowers in late spring. The plant prefers partial shade and well-drained soil. Lamium:Lamiumproduces lovely spikes of pink, purple or white blooms, but it is more often grown for its variegated leaves. Lamium is...
Flowering shrubshave some maintenance needs and can take up a lot of space in the flower bed, especially as they mature. A flower bed that includes shrubs will need to accommodate the extra space for growth and an additional 2 feet of space between the flowering shrub and other plants. ...
Calotropis procera takes the form of a shrub or small tree that measures up to two to three meters in height.57 Common names of C. procera include calotropis, rubber bush or kapock tree, and sodom apple.58 C. procera is known as Ushar or Madar in Greco-Arab. This shrub is also ...
However, wood chip and aggregate are overused for this purpose nowadays and the latter makes gardens sterile, cold and uninteresting. Try low spreading plants instead to give rest and calm within a flower or shrub border. Have you seen those tight knit, fine textured and rounded shrubs, such...
Use a low-growing variety as an underplanting in a rose bed or shrub border. Naturalize in a wildflower meadow interspersed with other meadow plants. Read more on creating a meadow garden. Use a taller upright form such as Canterbury bells to add height to mixed or woodland borders and cott...
dig up the root ball and rinse roots, so you can see each of the tubular roots. Get a long flat shovel and cut out a ‘slice of pie’; being sure that your slice has 1-3 crown buds in it. Now, replant and water and wait for more ‘flower shrub’ peonies to emerge next ...