flow-control命令用来对流控方式进行配置。 undo flow-control命令用来恢复流控方式的缺省值。 缺省情况下,流控方式为none,即不进行流控。 命令格式 flow-control{hardware|none|software} undo flow-control 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 hardware指定流控方式是硬件流控。- ...
None:不使用流控。 XON/XOFF:使用软件流控。详细请参考本页上述“软件流控(XON、XOFF)” Hardware RTS always ON:硬件流控,RTS始终激活。详细请参考本页上述“RTS始终激活” Hardware RTS always switched:硬件流控,RTS切换。详细请参考本页上述“RTS切换”...
值 UART_FlowControl_None 无流控制。 UART_FlowControl_RTSCTS 启用RTS/CTS 硬件流控制。 UART_FlowControl_XONXOFF 启用XON/XOFF 软件流控制。 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈
If none of the test conditions of nested when tags evaluates to true, then the body of an otherwise tag is evaluated, if present.For example, the following sample code shows how to render text based on a customer’s membership category....
存取控制組態。 繼承 Model FlowAccessControlConfiguration 建構函式 Python FlowAccessControlConfiguration(*, triggers: FlowAccessControlConfigurationPolicy |None=None, contents: FlowAccessControlConfigurationPolicy |None=None, actions: FlowAccessControlConfigurationPolicy |None=None, workflow_management:...
Executes the script block that follows it if none of the conditions in the if or elseif statements before it evaluate to true In addition to being useful for script control flow, conditional statements are often a useful way to assign data to a variable. PowerShell makes this very easy by...
Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -CimSession Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of aNew-CimSessionorGet-CimSessioncmdlet. The default is the curr...
The flow control method, which would reduce the boundary layer thickness and reduce wake, could have a beneficial impact on the performance of a low-Reynolds-number compressor in the entire operating range, but none of the methods represented in this review fully fulfil this objective. Keywords:...
None 原产地 China 重量 0.65 品牌 Jingdong Free Fit 阻尼值 液压 背负系统结构 阀门 尺寸(长×宽×高) 10*5 * 5CM 最大压力 315酒吧 最大流速 40升/分钟 材料 碳钢 车身尺寸 3/8英寸 螺纹 NPT内螺纹 型号 LA-H10L 应用程序 流量控制 结构