本书中的Flow就是我们常说的 进入状态了,英语地道一点可以直接说 in the zone. 心理学家带你探索Flow(心流),希望你看完本书后,能有所收获,随心所欲控制你的flow。 将闪电般的激情注入我们的灵魂并让其行云流水般地燃烧。 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Psychologist Mihaly ...
Reproduction or on-sending of anymaterial held under Global Learning Communities or Integral Learning Futures isstrictly prohibited ACN089 544 730FLOW: T hePsychology ofOptimal Experienceby Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Harper and Row, 1990.More than anything else, men and women se... 文档格式:PDF |...
正版 心流 当下的幸福 英文原版 Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience 心理学名著 米哈里契克森米哈赖 英文版进口英语书籍 积极心理学 得心应手状态点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥98.00 降价通知 限时抢 8.8 296人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 查看作品 出版 Harper Perennial,2008年08月 查看...
匈牙利裔美国心理学家米哈里·契克森米哈赖(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)的《心流:最优体验心理学》( Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience) If you create one goal for your entire life, and you stru…
The Elements of Enjoyment The Autotelic Experience 4 The Conditions of Flow Flow Activities Flow and Culture The Autotelic Personality The People of Flow 5 The Body in Flow Higher, Faster, Stronger The Joys of Movement Sex as Flow The Ultimate Control: Yoga and the Martial Arts ...
experience that we can become happy. Happiness cannot be reached by consciously searching for it. As J S Mill once put it, “Ask yourselves whether you are happy and you cease to be so”. Optimal Experience The author uses the term “optimal experience” to describe those occasions where ...
是极致的专注体验?还是高级的大脑状态?学者Csikszentmihalyi在《Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience》一书中将心流描述为一种幸福的状态,本期内容我们将和大家一起探寻心流理论的缘起与发展,一起来看看吧! 01 理论的提出 上世纪60年代,Csikszentimihalyi最早提出心流的概念,当时他访谈了数百名攀岩爱好者、国...
FLOW:THEPSYCHOLOGYOFOPTIMALEXPERIENCE Inhisseminalwork,Flow:ThePsychologyofOptimalExperience,MihalyCsíkszentmihályi outlineshistheorythatpeoplearehappiestwhentheyareinastateofflow—astateof concentrationorcompleteabsorptionwiththeactivityathandandthesituation.
(2017). Flow and optimal experience. In J. P. Stein (Ed.), Reference module in neuroscience and biobehavioral psychology (pp. 522-528). New York, NY: Elsevier.Biasutti, M. (2011). Flow and optimal experience. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Prizkter (Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity ...
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience 作者:【美】米哈里.契克森米哈赖 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 日期:2020-6-20 方式:得到APP听解读+樊登读书听解读+看相应解读文字+看郑也夫序 In the 1990s, the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduced the term FLOW, a mental state during whichpeople become wholly...