Nernst was a great admirer of Shakespeare, and it is said that in a conference concerned with naming units after appropriate persons, he proposed that the unit of rate of liquid flow should be called the falstaff. — James Riddick (J. R.) Partington 'The Nemst Memorial Lecture', Journal ...
TheAir Flow Resistancecomponent models a flow resistance which is caused by bending of flow for the lumped thermal fluid simulation of Air. This component calculates mainly pressure difference, mass flow rate, and heat flow rate. Equations The calculation is changed based on parameter values ofType...
The demand of flow rate varies typically within a range from 25% of Q100% to Q100%. (In the special case of booster stations for buildings, the lower limit of demanded flow rate is typically as low as 10% of Q100%, see Section 8.3.) In respect to the rotational speed of the ...
law, the free flow of information, a simple tax regime, a low tax rate, and so on (i) 致力維護“一國兩制”、法治、資訊自由、 簡 單 稅 制 及 低稅 率等香港經濟賴以成功的基本條件 [...] Administration to ensure that the copyright protection regime would...
where Q represents the flow rate, Vr the reactor volume, and t is time. The ratio Vr/Q defines the water residence time in the reactor. Experimental zinc breakthrough curves, measured in a series of experiments with input cation concentrations (C0) ranging from 1 to 200 μmol L−1, ar...
a Syncronis HILIC UHPLC column (2.1 mm × 100 mm × 1.7 µm, Thermo Fisher) using a binary solvent system at a flow rate of 600 µL/min" solvent A, 20-mM ammonium formate pH 3.0 in mass spectrometry grade H2O; solvent B, mass spectrometry grade acetonitrile with 0.1% ...
In 2017, China announced an unprecedented ban on its import of most plastic waste, resulting in a sharp decline in global plastic waste trade flow and changes in the treatment structure of countries, whose impacts on global environmental sustainability are enormous but yet unexamined. Here, through...
a discount rate of 8.5%. 該收購被視 為附有非控股權益的業務合併,有關權益根據收購的淨資產比例計量並使用折 現 現 金流量 法 以8 .5%的折現率釐定。 [...] share of the ITC budget in the event of cash flow problems and that the issue is highlighted in the ...
The overall transmission rate of the paternal VLP-marker (16.2% excluding the two males) was much lower than the normal fertilisation proportion under the current laboratory conditions (approximately 50%, Beukeboom, 2001) of arrhenotokous females. This indicates that successful egg fertilisation is ...
At very slow rotation rates of the pump, i.e., 0.005 and 0.010 rps, the flow rate was actually determined from the PIV data, as the static leakage of the gear pump introduces large uncertainties in flow rates determined from the displacement volume of the gear pump. For the steady inflow...