The concept of abnormal oscillations in water turbulent flow serves as the basis for the turbulent flow of water-based optimization (TFWO) presented in 2021 by Ghasemi et al.38. The velocity and direction of this type of turbulent flow constantly fluctuate in a circular pattern. From there, t...
For large flow rates above a stepped chute, the water skims over the pseudo-bottom formed by the step edges with formation of recirculating vortices between the main flow and the step corners. Flow resistance is predominantly form drag. An analytical solution of the dimensionless shear stress betw...
A fluid flow detecting system and approach incorporating a collar configured to be clamped to a fluid conveyance mechanism, a temperature probe held within temperature sensing range of the fluid conveyance mechanism with the collar, an ambient temperature sensor, and a controller connected to the ...
Home > Section > Chapter Morton, D.; Richards, JF. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 693: 511-515 1981 10.1016/0300-9629(81)93012-7 001008721 Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract...
It can automatically create a terrain from a point cloud and imprint different surfaces (e.g. green areas, water, roads). It enables us to reconstruct buildings from different sources and their combination, such as: Reconstruction with the combination of 2D polygons and a point cloud, ...
Piezometric observations offer more precise real-time monitoring of subsurface water levels. The trend of the groundwater table was analyzed by non-parametric methods i.e., Mann-Kendall (MK) and Sen's slope estimator in all observation wells of districts at a significance level of 5 percent ...
This study investigates the exact solutions of laminar velocity and thermal boundary layers ofAl2O3−CNT/waterhybrid nanofluid flow over a permeable stretching sheet. The sheet with a nonlinear temperature distribution, placed through a porous medium under a vertical magnetic field, is considered as...
Ravi, Multi-gate Systems in Casting Process: Comparative Study of Liquid Metal and Water Flow, Mater. Manuf. Process., 2016, 31(8), p 1091-1101K.H. Renukananda, B. Ravi, Multi-gate systems in casting process: comparative study of liquid metal and water flow. Mater. Manuf. Process. ...
Flow patterns were observed in a transparent circular pipe (2.54 cm I. D. and L/D=96) using an air/water mixture. Visual identification of the flow patterns was supplemented with photographic data, and the results were plotted on the How regime map proposed by Taitel and Dukler and agreed...
Ravi S. Kane, ... George M. Whitesides Explore book 3.3 Laminar flow patterning Laminar flow patterning, a method recently developed by our group [62], adds a new capability to the patterning of microfluidic channels. Microfluidic systems have distinctive properties as a result of their small ...