流致振动外文书籍Flow-Induced Vibrationby Robert D_ Blevins.pdf,Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society Review Author(s): Sheila Widnall Review by: Sheila Widnall Source: American Scientist, Vol. 66, No. 2 (March-April 1978), p. 252 Published by: Sigma
Book Review Flow-Induced Vibration, 2rid edition, R. D. Blevins, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, 451 pages, $59.95. Flow-Induced Vibration (2nd edition) by Robert D. Blevins is a welcome addition to the literature on vibration and noise. The book is authoritative and covers the c...
Flow-induced vibration: 1977, R. D. Blevins. Wokingham, England: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Ltd. viii + 363 pp.; price £13.75Not Availabledoi:10.1016/0022-460X(78)90303-6Simpson, AElsevier LtdJournal of Sound & Vibration
induced vibration due to shell side fluid flow around the tubes bundle of shell and tube heat exchanger results in tube vibration. This is a major concern of designers, process engineers and operators, leading to large amplitude motion or large eccentricities of the tubes in their ...
Blevins, R. D. 1994 Turbulence-induced vibration of heat exchanger tubes in cross flowASME PVP-Vol. 273,Flow-Induced Vibration, pp. 199–210. Google Scholar Chen, S. S. 1988 Some issues concerning fluidelastic instability of a group of circular cylinders in crossflow. InProceedings of 1988 ...
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is intensely coupled with the flow induced vibration (FIV) through the motions induced on a deformable or moving structure being subjected to an external or internal fluid flow. This kind of interaction in turn evolves with a variet...
Their investigation revealed that the actively actuated suction side of the hydrofoil exhibited a maximum lift-to-drag ratio after the stall angle, primarily due to the delayed stall induced by the periodic vibration of a portion of the suction side of the hydrofoil. Similarly, Huang et al.168...
BehaviorofVortex-InducedVibrationofACircularCylinderNearA DeformableWallwithTwoDegreesofFreedominSteadyFlow YANGBing(杨 兵)一,MAJian—lin(马建林),CUIJin.sheng(崔金声) andXUWan—hai(徐万海)。 SchoolofCivilEngineering,SouthwestJiaotongUniversity,Chengdu610031,China InstituteofMechanics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijin...
Blevins, 1990 R.D. Blevins Flow-induced Vibration (1990) Google Scholar Blevins and Coughran, 2009 R.D. Blevins, C.S. Coughran Experimental investigation of vortex-induced vibration in one and two dimensions with variable mass, damping, and reynolds number J. Fluid Eng., 131 (2009), p. ...
R.D. Blevins Flow-induced Vibration Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York (1977) Google Scholar [40] A. Rona The acoustic resonance of rectangular and cylindrical cavities J. Algorithms Comput. Technol., 1 (2007), pp. 329-356 CrossrefGoogle Scholar [41] H. Peters, N. Kessissoglou, S...