You can automate microsoft viso in .net to create flow chart. Take a look at MSDN article on visio automation in vb, this article can get you started
To assess the similarity of the two functional networks, we estimated the graph diffusion metrics between the original weighted directed effective brain networks [79]. The graph diffusion distance metric (GDD) returns a value from 0 up to a positive value, where 0 means that the two functional...
Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research ...
Assigning and returning a value in the same statement Assigning each letter of the alphabet a numeric value ? Assigning the Scientific Notation(with E) to Double Variable Assigning values to XML Elements & Attributes in C# Async and Await will span new thread Async Await for I/O- and CPU-bo...
In Figure 3 the top “Workflow” layer contains the abstract specification of a workflow task in the Wfdesc model [32]. Wfdesc is a “node and directed-arc” RDF graph [33], where nodes are typed as P r o c e s s e s (tasks), and their I n p u t / O u t p u t s...
We argue that such a categorisation turns workflow provenance from an opaque graph into a roadmap with which we can (1) determine sources of implicit context and (2) the scope of reach of that context. We implement our techniques with technology-independent provenance models and we showcase ...
How do i draw points or plot points on ZedGraph control ? How do I eliminate the "Naming rule violation" feature? How do i enable/disable a checkbox in a checklistbox? How do I export an enum from my dll? How do i Extract an icon from a dll (ExtractIcon - Shell32.dll) How ...