In order to assess the decisive factors for the formation and evolution of the in-cylinder flow field, simplified piston bowls were used. A limited number of validation calculations of the compression stroke were performed. The results show that the geometries of the piston have a significant ...
The mechanics of fluid flow is a fundamental engineering discipline explaining both natural phenomena and human-induced processes, and a thorough understanding of it is central to the operations of the oil and gas industry. This book, written by some of the world's best-known and respected petro...
Experimental Study of the Flow Field in A Stirred Tank by Laser Doppler Anemometry搅拌槽流场的实验研究 喜欢 0 阅读量: 39 作者:Li Yulin,Mao Deming,Shi Xundan,Feng Lianfang,Wan Kai,李玉麟,毛德明 摘要: 利用二维激光多普勒测速仪在内径为250mm的搅拌槽内对DT叶轮和PT叶轮进行了流场测试,获得了不同...
given the ablation law of inside lining.Tail-pipe nozzle flow field is calculated and analyzed by using the method of flow field simulation.That analyzed ablation mechanism of tail-pipe nozzle inside lining;the analysis shows that condensed particle erosion is main reason for local serve ablation ...
如何看待流体力学 Journal of Fluid Mechanics的姊妹期刊FLOW? 关注问题写回答 登录/注册流体力学 学术期刊 SCI期刊 如何看待流体力学 Journal of Fluid Mechanics的姊妹期刊FLOW?导师想让我投这个期刊,各位大神看怎么样啊,这个期刊比较新,是要跟POF竞争显示全部 ...
The design of fluid machinery is the most frequent engineering application in the field of fluid mechanics nowadays (White, 2011). In fact, pumps have been used since 1000 BCE by African, Asian, Babylonian and Roman civilizations, according to historical records (Wilson, 1982). In this sense,...
The flow in the volute is similar to that of the combined vortex with backflow, which is a non-axisymmetric unsteady flow with quite high turbulence intensity. These factors are the main reasons for the relatively low efficiency of the vortex pump. The measurement of flow field in volute with...
The RAGE flow-field survey rake consisted of nine five-hole conical probes mounted in a cruciform configuration. The primary objective of the RAGE was to quantify the local flow field (Mach number, flow angularity, total pressure ... CWS John,MA Frederick - Aiaa/asme/sae/asee Joint Propulsion...
The longitudinal vortex structure with a finger-like configuration was found which plays a crucial role in forming azimuthal coherent structures with a cross section that resembles that of an orange; the structures promote the flow field into turbulent state. The generating and developing process of ...
In a supersonic chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) operating without primary buffer gas, the features of flowfield have significant effects on the Laser efficiency and beam quality. In this paper three-dimensional, multispecies, chemically reactive CFD technology was used to study the flowfield in...