Verwenden Sie Designer, um einen einfachen Webserver zu erstellen Verwenden Sie Designer, um eine Vorlage zu ändern Vorlagenausschnitte Allgemeines Auto-Scaling Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Scaling-Ressourcen konfigurieren Auto Scaling-Ressourcen für Anwendungen konfigurieren AWS Abrechnungskonsole AWS CloudForm...
The desired file size, in MB, for each output file that Amazon AppFlow writes to the flow destination. For each file, Amazon AppFlow attempts to achieve the size that you specify. The actual file sizes might differ from this target based on the number and size of the records th...
While you develop a flow in App Connect Designer, you can use sample data to test the mappings and transformations that you specify in the input fields for the configured nodes. You can also test the effect of an action on its target application, or try out the entire flow. This ...
I have a DLP rule in Offi e 365 that triggers an alert when PCI data is detected. I want t use Flow to send an email to the person who owns the detected file\s, providing them the file name and location (this info is in the alerts when you view them in Cloud App...
We can create a flow that uses IBM Watson® Tone Analyzer to analyze the tone of the new ServiceNow incident, to determine whether the incident is high priority. While developing the flow, we can use sample data to test individual actions and the entire flow to have confidence in the mapp...
Utilice Designer para modificar una plantilla Fragmentos de plantillas General Escalado automático Configuración de los recursos de Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Configuración de recursos de escalado automático de aplicaciones Consola de facturación de AWS AWS CloudFormation CloudFront CloudWat...
ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties SingularConnectorProfileCredentials SlackConnectorProfileCredentials SlackConnectorProfileProperties SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials VeevaConnectorProfileProp...
ServiceNowConnectorProfileProperties SingularConnectorProfileCredentials SlackConnectorProfileCredentials SlackConnectorProfileProperties SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentials SnowflakeConnectorProfileProperties TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentials VeevaConnectorProfileCredentials VeevaConnectorProfileProperties Zendesk...
Utilizzate Designer per creare un server Web di base Uso di Designer per modificare un modello Frammenti di modello Generali Dimensionamento automatico Configura le risorse di Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Configurazione delle risorse Application Auto Scaling AWS Console di fatturazione AWS CloudFormation ...
Caller ID name—Specify the caller ID name used for the transferred call. You can enter a name, or use an attribute to set the name. In some cases, the caller ID information is provided by the carrier of the party you are calling. The information may not be up-to-date with that car...