Indications of submitting aspirated material for flow cytometry (Fig. 1)31: 1. Presence of atypical lymphoid cells or blasts on smears. 2. Organomegaly and superficial mass lesions, including lymphadenopathy (when ROSE confirms the presence of atypical lymphocytes). ...
7.2 Add the appropriate DNA stain to each tube, mix well, and incubate as recommended for each DNA stain. Analysis by Flow Cytometry If measuring total DNA content on a traditional flow cytometer using hydrodynamic focusing,...
It depends on your instrument. People have done 17 colors (Perfetto SP, Chattopadhyay PK, and Roederer M (2004) Seventeen-colour flow cytometry: unraveling the immune system. Nat Rev Immunol 4:648–655 ( and more, but it takes a lot of pla...
英文名称:Cell Meter NIR Mitochondria Membrane Potential Assay Kit Optimized for Flow Cytometry 保质期:3年 个月 保存条件:-20 s9430 super green i (sybr green i)nucleic acid g 技术优势 ·灵敏度与eb相当。 ·可通过蓝光或者紫外光激发。 ·适用于各种大小片段的电泳染色,条带整齐性远高于普通花菁类染...
Maguire O, Tario JD Jr, Shanahan TC, et al. Flow cytometry and solid organ transplantation: a perfect match. Immunol Invest. 2014;43:756-774.Maguire, O., Tario, J. D. Jr., Shanahan, T. C., Wallace, P. K. & Minderman, H. Flow cytometry and solid organ transplantation: a ...
Immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometry. To assess the immunologic phenotype of Hermes-1-defined lymphocyte subsets, two-color immunofluorescence staining was performed with a 2-step procedure. Approximately 106 cells were incubated in 96-well microliter plate wells in 60 μL medium containing a...
The rationale behind flow cytometry and image analyses is that GPIBDs might differ in their effect on GPI-APs and their trafficking pathways, resulting in distinguishable phenotypes. Interestingly, we found that the facial gestalt was well suited for delineating the molecular entity. The high informat...
The objective of the present study was to develop a rapid, high-throughput γ-H2AX assay based on imaging flow cytometry (IFC) using the ImageStream®X Mk II (ISX MKII) platform to evaluate DNA DSB repair kinet- ics in human peripheral blood cells after exposure to ionizing irradiation. ...
Cellular vacuolation and mitochondrial-associated factors induced by Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin detected using acoustic flow cytometry. Authors:Ferrarezi MC, Curci VC, Cardoso TC Journal: PubMed ID:24076036 'Epsilon toxin (ETX) produced by Clostridium perfringens types B and D is a potent ...
Cellular vacuolation and mitochondrial-associated factors induced by Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin detected using acoustic flow cytometry. Authors:Ferrarezi MC, Curci VC, Cardoso TC Journal: PubMed ID:24076036 'Epsilon toxin (ETX) produced by Clostridium perfringens types B and D is a potent ...