In computer programming, control flow or flow of control is the order function calls, instructions, and statements are executed or evaluated when a program is running. Many programming languages have what are called control flow statements, which determine what section of code is run in a program...
/* shellsort: sort v[0]...v[n-1] into increasing order */voidshellsort(intv[],intn){intgap,i,j,temp;for(gap=n/2;gap>0;gap/=2)for(i=gap;i<n;i++)for(j=i-gap;j>=0&&v[j]>v[j+gap];j-=gap){temp=v[j];v[j]=v[j+gap];v[j+gap]=temp;}} 这是一个三层 for ...
main cpython/Doc/tutorial/controlflow.rst Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 1111 lines (857 sloc) 38.6 KB Raw Blame More Control Flow ToolsBesides the :keyword:`while` statement just introduced, Python uses the usual flow control statements known from other languages, with...
Pattern matching is a powerful control flow construct that allows us to compare a value against a series of patterns and executing code based on which pattern matches. It is a much more advanced construct than the if/else statements.
This chapter covers the control structures of the AWK programming language. This includes the different types of conditional and looping statements, such as if...else, do...while,, and so on available in AWK . The syntax for conditional and looping constructs is ve...
The loop statements are executed for each member of the controlling domain in turn. The order of evaluation is the entry order of the labels. A loop is thus another, more general, type of indexed operation. Attention Only execution statements are permitted in programming flow control statements....
Chapter 3: Control Flow 3.1 Statements and Blocks In C, the semicolon is a statement terminator. Braces { and } are used to group declarations and statements together into a compound statement, or block, so that they are syntactically equivalent to a single statement. There is no semicolon ...
This is often referred to as flow control since it controls the flow of program execution. In previous chapters the if statement has been used in some examples. In this chapter of C# Essentials we are going to look at if statements in a little more detail. ...
Control flow in Python 7 minutes Now, let's take a look atifstatements. The if statement Theifstatement in Python is similar to that found in other programming languages (such as Java). It's the backbone of the logical flow of most programs. Here's an example:...
Kotlin - Control Flow - Kotlin flow control statements determine the next statement to be executed. For example, the statements if-else, if, when, while, for, and do are flow control statements.