下载: 点击下载谷歌商店 教程: Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解) 截图: 简介: 适用于 YouTube Live 上的 Flow Chat 消息的 Chrome 扩展程序。 - 通过视频传递消息。 - 更改消息的颜色、大小和速度。 - 在消息上显示作者和头像。 - 显示超级聊天和超级贴纸。
Chrome Extension for Flow Chat Messages on YouTube Live. Features Flow messages over the video. Change color, size and speed for messages. Show author and avatar on messages. Show super chats and super stickers. Move the chat input to bottom controls on the video. Add helper menu buttons on...
Chrome Extension for Flowing Chat Messages on YouTube Live. Features Flow messages over the video. Change color, size and speed for messages. Show author and avatar on messages. Show super chats and super stickers. Filter banned words.
[工具] [油管弹幕] 推荐一个能把油管聊天栏转弹幕的chrome插件“YouTube Live Chat Flow” [作者更新0.0.16版本] 最近一直在用这个插件看404直播,作者好像是个日基程序猿。因为过于好用所以来泥潭安利一下 虽然可能有人已经在用了 实际效果除了可以把直播聊天栏转换成弹幕以外,还可以针对主播、会员、扳手、SC设...
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Chrome Extension for Flow Chat Messages on YouTube Live. Features Flow messages over the video. Change color, size and speed for messages. Show author and avatar on messages. Show super chats and super stickers. Move the chat input to bottom controls on the video. Add helper menu buttons on...
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