chart n. 1.[C]图标 2.[C]海图 3.[pl.]【英】每周流行唱片排行榜 v.[T] 1.记录,跟踪(进展或发展) 2.计划行动步骤 3.绘制区域地图 program n. [C] 1.节目单;程序表 2.节目,表演,演出 3.计划;方案;程序 4.(政党的)纲领 5.(教学)大纲;课程 6.【电脑】程序;程序设计 v. [T] 1.为......
一、流程图简介 流程图,英文名为 FlowChart,即**流程(Flow)+图表(Chart)**。根据维基百科定义,流程图主要分为以下四种基本类型: 1、文档流程图(Document flowcharts) 文档流程图通常用于跟踪文件的移动,比如内部备忘录,工资单信息和一个系统内的局部邮件。 2、数据流程图(Data flowcharts) 数据流程图是分析和构建...
Code Visual to Flowchart is automatic program Flow chart generator, it supports most programming languages and Visio,Word,Excel,PowerPoint,PNG and BMP output formats.
Visustin for software developers.Visustin is an automated flow chart program for software developers and document writers. Save documentation efforts with automatic code visualization. Visustin reverse engineers your source code toflow chartsorUML Activity Diagrams. Visustin reads theifandelsestatements, loop...
以特定的图形符号加上说明,表示算法的图,称为流程图(Flow Chart)或框图。 流程图是流经一个系统的信息流、观点流或部件流的图形代表。在企业中,流程图主要用来说明某一过程。这种过程既可以是生产线上的工艺流程,也可以是完成一项任务必需的管理过程。
Brief of Program Flow chart Generator Code Visual to Flowchart has 2 kinds of flowcharts, The first one is displayed in a way that all the source code is partitioned in fragments and displayed inside the drawn blocks. The other one does not display code in flow chart. Since flow chart ca...
the invention describes a method for graphical programming of industrial controllers, in particular bewegungssteuerungen, shown with anwenderdefinierten subprogrammes (stup) the textual language (st) automatically corresponding graphical elements (e1 to en) in flow chart notation (mcc) and associated ...
A flowchart is a program design tool in which standard graphical symbols are used to represent the logical flow of data through a function. Definition: A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contain...
C级 GP环保级异常处理流程flow chart Keyusersignoff:StepInput/Output單據名稱 NO.(系統或手工)1 品質異常處理單 2345 Flowchart&StandardOperationProcedure 生產部門開始 立即停線不良品隔離 異常單開立 C級GP环保級異常處理流程 Event-Process 品保部門 工程部門 資材部門 Workstepbreakdown(同作業流程說明步驟)關聯...
B. Depending on the number of steps, you can also have your chart flow left to right, then down to a subsequent line where it continues. It will look something like this: C. Another way to handle a large flowchart is to break it up into a collection of smaller ones. Do this by st...